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  1. look

  2. as

  3. am

  4. be

  5. come

  6. for

  7. at

  8. are

  9. an

  10. big

  11. do

  12. go

  13. had

  14. he

  15. here

  16. in

  17. it

  18. little

  19. my

  20. have


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21. his

22. I

23. is

24. like

25. me

26. no

27. of

28. see

29. that

30. to

31. we

32. with

33. and

34. on

35. she

36. the

37. was

38. what

39. you

40. a


"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world."

Robin Williams

Sight Words

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