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Throughout a students day there are procedures that students go through regularly.  If students know how to proceed through these procedures, a classroom environment will be more positive, efficient, and effective.  This environment enhances the teacher's instruction and the student's learning.  


  1. Morning entry:  Students will enter the classroom and greet me.  They will then proceed to the back of the room to their cubbies.  They will hang up their coat and bagpacks.  They will take their homework folder out of their bagpack and put it in the basket.  They will then grab a book from the reading center and go to their assigned seats to read a book or take a picture walk.  When everyone is seated and attendence is taken I will start class. 

  2. Dismissal:  At the end of the day I will tell students to clean up their surrounding area.  As students finish, I will give them permission to grab their homework folder from the basket and go to their cubbies.  They will put their coat and bagpack on before getting in line at the door.  When everyone is in line and ready, I will instruct them to exit the room.  Students will walk in a single filed line to the front door until I release them.

  3. Talking:  Throughout the school and in the classroom there will be charts showing the different voice levels that are appropriate for different places and activities.  While we are in the classroom I will remind students during activity transitions which level their voices should be at.   

  4. Restroom:  Students will have a few chances as a class to go to the restroom when we are in the hall.  However if students need to go to the restroom during other times they must ask for permmission from me.  I will give them a hall pass and only one student will be able to go at a time.  They are to go straight to the restroom and come back immediately,  They will turn in the pass and sit back in their seat.  

  5. Pencil sharpening:  I will give students an opportunity to sharpen their pencils before the start of class.   If their pencil needs sharpening between the transition of different activities I will allow it if they ask for permission and do it without disruption.  During activities if a student feels their pencil needs to be sharpened, they can raise their hand and I will provide them with a sharpened pencil.

  6. Hallway:  While in the hallway with the class I will assign a leader and everyone else must line up behind them in a single filed line.  They are to stay in this line and not talk while we move from one room to another.  If a student is by themself, then they are to walk quietly without stopping along the way.

"One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child."

Maria Montessori

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