Mrs. Duda's Kindergarten Classroom
“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.”
- Dr. Seuss
"Diversity is about all of us, and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together."
Jacqueline Woodson
My class is a welcoming and safe environment for everyone. Diversity is an integral part of our community and our lives. I want to learn about each and everyone of my students and I want them to learn about others. I would like to involve and incororate my students' famlies into our classroom. I welcome them to come in to teach my class about them so we can connect with them and understand who they are. I want my students to walk away from my class and have an understanding that although we all may be different, we are still alike. I welcome all walks of life and will encourge my students to do the same. It is important to teach my students to embrace eachother and our differences.
Diversity will be greatly exhibited throughout my classroom, in my lessons, and in our discussions. Diversity comes in several forms such as culture, socioeconomic status, special education, gender, linguistics, and famlly orientation. During my class I will provide my students with a variety of examples and experiences so that I am able to meet each of their academic and social needs. To have additional support for students of diversity, I will use many different liguistic supports such as manipulatives, visual aids, word walls, cooperative learning activites, etc. I will help my students in everyway possible. I promise my students will feel proud, comfortable, and safe in my classroom.